Puppy Introductions

The first grooming experiences are so important for puppies. Get it wrong and it may affect the pup for the rest of their life. The human world is a strange place for a puppy. They are busy learning and developing into a dog while trying to understand how to fit into our lives and homes.

So to make introductions a little easier for their developing brains we have devised the Start Them Right program.

This is over 4 stages of habituation to the sights and sounds of the salon. Introduction to cooperative care and training. Playing games that build confidence and resilience for life. All the while introducing the skills needed for grooming both professionally and at home.

The owner is able to participate in training these skills as well as learning how to care for the puppies coat.

Training Qualifications

Attending Writtle College level 2 and 3 in training and behaviour while beginning my grooming career I realised early on that grooming alone wasn't enough. These courses piqued my interest to carry on studying behaviour.
The School of Canine Science Courses:
Puppy Lab - an in-depth course not only covering the early life of dogs, but also learning theory and the developing brain.
30 Days of Canine Science - This is all about learning training methods and combining them with practical skills. 
Scent for Six - Scent is the dogs most important sense. To understand behaviour we must understand how they view the world. 
The Behaviour Bible - A level 6 behaviour course. Included in this course is evolution, genetics, neurobiology, endocrinology, physiology, cognition and emotion and sociology. All absolutely vital to understanding a dogs behaviour. Science is constantly evolving so we keep up to date with the latest research papers and findings.

Also keeping up to date with webinars from different sources such as Behaviour Vets and Pet Summits hosted by leaders in the industry.

Behaviour Modification for Adult Dogs

Since lockdown we are seeing more anxiety in dogs. We can help with dogs with behavioural issues that may need help with rehabilitating. These dogs need understanding from both owner and groomer. It does take time as we have to build trust.

Issues can arise all sorts of reasons from separation anxiety and fear to pain association. Lack of socialisation was a major concern in lockdown puppies which is now presenting as fear in older dogs. 

So much of this rehabilitation depends upon the owners commitment and understanding of the dogs needs. We have had great successes in the past and have many tools in our box to help.