Terms and Conditions

Cancellation Policy We require 24 hours of cancellation of appointments. This will allow us time to offer your appointment time to other clients who may be waiting. We have a cancellation charge if less than 24 hours notice is given. This will be 50% of the groom cost.

No Show If you miss an appointment for any reason you will be charge the full price of the groom. Unfortunately as a small business we cannot absorb the loss.

Dropping off and Picking up If you are likely to be late, please phone us to let us know. We work to a tight schedule and may not be able to accommodate you if you are more than 15 minutes late after your appointment time. You may be offered an alternative service if time allows. This may also result in a charge for missed appointment. Please be prompt with picking up your pet.

Health We ask that you inform us of any health or welfare issues relevant to your pet. The comfort of your dog is our priority. We reserve the right to cancel or stop the groom if there are any concerns regarding your pets health.

If your pet has any sickness or diarrhoea please allow at least 48 hours before being groomed.

If your pet has been diagnosed with kennel cough we cannot rebook for 14 days from the last cough.

We cannot accept any bitch that is in season. This is not only for her comfort, but also we may have male dogs in the salon. 

Puppy Grooms We offer a puppy introduction course. This is a gentle introduction to the grooming process for your pup. We can take puppies 2 weeks after their final vaccinations.

Toileting Please make sure dog has had the opportunity to relieve itself before your appointment.

Aggressive/Nervous Dogs We accept nervous or aggressive dogs, but please let us know of any issues prior to grooming. We will advise you on the best course of action regarding desensitising and training. We aim to help your dog become happy and relaxed in the salon environment.

Older Dogs Comfort grooms are important for older dogs. Please note that we will groom these dogs as quickly and as comfortably as possible. It may not be possible to finish the groom to the standard previously achieved. We reserve the right to stop the groom if we feel that the dog is uncomfortable.

Two person groom Large dogs, nervous or older dogs may require two groomers for their safety and ours. This will incur an extra charge.

Handstrip dogs We may not be able to bath handstrip dogs on the same day as grooming. This is due to a condition known as skin furunculosis. The is a small chance the dog can develop this is if bathed after stripping. You will be offered a bath the following week at no additional cost.

Matted Dogs Our policy is to clip matted dogs. This is for their comfort and wellbeing. We must abide by the Animal Welfare Act 2006 and we have a duty to ensure your dogs groom is as pain and stress free as possible. Clipping a dog may expose pre-existing skin conditions, due to having to clip close to the skin it may also cause shaving irritation. This is unavoidable.

Anal Glands/Ear Plucking Following advice from RCVS we are no longer recommended to empty anal glands or pluck hairs from within the ear canal.